kid hair ideas are varied suiting their cute and unique look. The need of
haircut in a child depends on the growth of the
hair. The
hair ideas for girl child are different then that of boys.
Girl hair ideasThe
bob hairstyle is popular as it can be done on both thick and fine hair and also it is easy to manage it just by brushing and combing. In this short-layered cut the hair reaches just below the earlobes.
The French braid hairstyle is obtained by firstly forming a ponytail and than pulling the hair back and start to braid down the center.

The Boys Hairstyles
Buzz haircut is a super short one created by using short sheared clippers that give trendy look to the boy. The
Caesar haircut has hair brushed forward and cut in a very short length. The
fade haircut has hair cut low on the top and the sides are completely shaven. The layered cut is created by cutting the hair in different layers in different parts of the head, so that the hair flow naturally and give a nice flowing layered look.

Haircut tips for kidsThe haircut should be simple as kids play and mess up
fancy hairstyles. So brush the hair in routine to keep out knots and tangles.